Major Software Update

Major Software Update

The popular “Self Certification” system has been completely revamped! Users now have the ability to capture photographs of each assigned asset and provide more detail on the nature of any dispute. Disputing an asset record now allows a user to suggest/request the actual correct quantity on hand, share a detailed note, or simply declare the item missing. These records appear on the inventory alerts report and master user dashboard.

The default self-certification process will present to the user like an aging report, where the first asset visible is the oldest certification record on file (if there is one on file). Users will submit updates per asset until all assets have been reported. Users can “unlock” all assets on this report as well, seeing all known photographs and statuses for all their inventory, however, you must still report on a single asset at a time. This feature allows users to easily update assets out of the normal order of operations (oldest first).

Lastly, serialized assets now require a photograph to be submitted. In addition to this, all images uploaded MUST BE UNIQUE as in the previous version. Failure to provide a unique image will result in rejection.