November 2024 FFL Listing Updates
TotalsNew: 4764Updates: 14500Phone/Addr Change: 7250TOTAL Mapped FFL’s: 69163
TotalsNew: 4764Updates: 14500Phone/Addr Change: 7250TOTAL Mapped FFL’s: 69163
In today’s Post, we are excited to announce the release of a lot of new features and enhancements that we have been developing over the last few months in the APB360 Platform: Comprehensive List of New and Updated Features in APB360: New Features: When using the website to assign non-serialized assets to employees, you can now upload an image associated with the asset transfer log and the employee profile. This matches the functionality of the iOS mobile application A new help site is [...]
The popular “Self Certification” system has been completely revamped! Users now have the ability to capture photographs of each assigned asset and provide more detail on the nature of any dispute. Disputing an asset record now allows a user to suggest/request the actual correct quantity on hand, share a detailed note, or simply declare the item missing. These records appear on the inventory alerts report and master user dashboard. The default self-certification process will present to the user like [...]
Safeware Inc. and APB360 representing a booth at the SCGC LE Show LinkedIn Posting
New: 1453 Updates: 5010 Updated Phone/Addr: 2505 Total FFL’s with qualified address mapping: 77049
For between June 2023 and November 2023, there has been significant change in the data. Historical Records in DB: 181518NEW 2923UPDATED 8500UNCHANGED 69985TOTAL RECORDS PROCESSED FOR NOV 23: 81408
For July 2022, there has been an ongoing pattern of decreasing licensees regarding issued/valid federal licenses. New: 4820Updated: 13762Updated Phone/Addr: 6881Unchanged: 72896
There have been some reported issues relating to network connectivity in some regions. We are happy to report that all networks and regions are restored between internet service providers and our infrastructure.
11,186 New FFL’s and 22,916 Updated Licenses
FirstNet is the nationwide, wireless communications platform dedicated to America’s first responders and public safety community. GunTRAC/APB360 has been awarded Agency status with FirstNet, greatly improving our connectivity and support services for our critical response departments and agency support services. APB360 system support has never been better! The FirstNet mission is to deploy, operate, maintain, and improve the first high-speed, nationwide wireless broadband network dedicated to public safety. This reliable, highly secure, interoperable, and innovative public safety communications platform will bring 21st century [...]