November 2024 FFL Listing Updates
TotalsNew: 4764Updates: 14500Phone/Addr Change: 7250TOTAL Mapped FFL’s: 69163
TotalsNew: 4764Updates: 14500Phone/Addr Change: 7250TOTAL Mapped FFL’s: 69163
New: 1453 Updates: 5010 Updated Phone/Addr: 2505 Total FFL’s with qualified address mapping: 77049
For between June 2023 and November 2023, there has been significant change in the data. Historical Records in DB: 181518NEW 2923UPDATED 8500UNCHANGED 69985TOTAL RECORDS PROCESSED FOR NOV 23: 81408
For July 2022, there has been an ongoing pattern of decreasing licensees regarding issued/valid federal licenses. New: 4820Updated: 13762Updated Phone/Addr: 6881Unchanged: 72896
11,186 New FFL’s and 22,916 Updated Licenses
Summary of changes between 4-21-19 and 07-02-19: New data import functionality for law enforcement users. Now users can import their roster or update the roster in bulk, any serialized assets and any serialized asset assignments. This is just a copy/paste operation from Excel. Shot counting history by default has been increased to the last 15,000 energy events grouped by time and location Bugfix on premises checking function, specific to LE customers. The default location is based on the first stocking location made Many chart [...]
The ATF managed to publish the October Licensee FOIA request under November this time. Not sure how that happens, the mysteries of government at work. As a result, we could only compare entries between August 2018 and October 2018. The results are in. New Licensees: 1313 Business Address: 487,Residential Address: 660,Couldn’t Determine: 166. Updated Information (phone, address, etc): 3,755 Total Processed: 80,082 All of our A&D Logbook users (eBook) and business development users can now enjoy a more recent database [...]
Finally new data has arrived courtesy of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the BATFE! We processed and recorded 80,235 records. Our call center users and FFL logbook users will surely appreciate the updated data set. For some unknown reason though, the July 2018 data from the ATF is still un-published! 0New FFL Licensees Since June 2018 0New Business Locations 0New Type 1 Retailer Dealer Locations 0New Type 2 Pawn Dealer Business Locations 143 addresses could not be determined as business or residential 0Updated [...]
December Totals New FFL: 524 Updated FFL: 1,564 Unchanged FFL: 78,099
APB360 breaks down FFL licensee information based on “Never been Seen” a.k.a. New, renewed per expiration date “Priority“, or Updated per what we detect as a new address or phone number. We also provide the ability to filter any record based on address types, like Business or Residential. 210 Business FFL’s for November 2017258 Residential FFL’s for November 201758 UNDETERMINED ADDRESS TYPES with FFL’s849 Business FFL’s for November 2017791 Residential FFL’s for November 2017110 UNDETERMINED ADDRESS TYPES of FFL’s1023 Business FFL’s [...]