Monthly Archives - August 2018

Managing Employee Equipment – Best Practices

APB360 provides operators the ability to create simple (or potentially highly detailed) processes to verify employee equipment records, equipment inspection records, inventory verifications, in-hand confirmation, and much more. The following article will describe the best practices  “APB360 Experts” follow to accomplish immutable inspections and verifications of inventory. Download the GunTRAC iOS Application from AppleCreate eSOP’s to follow for inspections. This electronic standard operating procedure (eSOP) will streamline mobile operations with inventory and inspections. ESOP is a dedicated top level menu item [...]


New Features for Electronic Training Record Management and Range Training

For those of you who use our continuing education and proficiency module (eTraining), we have streamlined the process of making/configuring classes with courses. It is now a simple process to generate a class/course full of modules for quick and easy bulk assignments to your roster members. You can also upload evidence of a sign-in roster, or other scanned documents, in one step while configuring the credit hours you need to award. We have updated the roster reports to highlight any [...]