Monthly Archives - October 2016

RMA/Ticket Integration System

Enterprise users now have a token based public/private integrated RMA/RETURN/Warranty system in place. This is a great feature for armories, gunsmiths and research facilities alike. See the main settings area for configuring email routing, alerts, and website link integration options available from version 1.2.92+ This system can be managed from within the A&D logbook action center, the public link interface, a private ticket creation interface as well as the RMA/Repair dashboard. If you make a product, GunTRAC can help you resolve [...]


Disposition Record Filtering Updates

Users may now filter logbook reports by Disposition State (Geography). This is helpful in identifying risk levels associated with restrictive legislative actions planned or scheduled by certain states such as California for example. Compliance officers may choose one or more states while using this filter, along with any number of other meta data vectors already available. *Data that has been imported into the system from your legacy A&D logbook system may not be filterable.


New Accelerated Encrypted Upload Functionality

Updated code has been released to handle file uploading utilizing the Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration features now available for S3 storage. Some file sizes are significant depending on what was is either uploaded to GunTRAC or what is generated by the logbook engine. In some cases, gigabytes. The act of encrypting and transferring data to S3 services in large file cases causes considerable delays with large A&D transactions, in many cases we are seeing a 300% increase in transfer speed [...]