November 2024 FFL Listing Updates
TotalsNew: 4764Updates: 14500Phone/Addr Change: 7250TOTAL Mapped FFL’s: 69163
TotalsNew: 4764Updates: 14500Phone/Addr Change: 7250TOTAL Mapped FFL’s: 69163
In today’s Post, we are excited to announce the release of a lot of new features and enhancements that we have been developing over the last few months in the APB360 Platform: Comprehensive List of New and Updated Features in APB360: New Features: When using the website to assign non-serialized assets to employees, you can now upload an image associated with the asset transfer log and the employee profile. This matches the functionality of the iOS mobile application A new help site is [...]
Safeware Inc. and APB360 representing a booth at the SCGC LE Show LinkedIn Posting
New: 1453 Updates: 5010 Updated Phone/Addr: 2505 Total FFL’s with qualified address mapping: 77049
For between June 2023 and November 2023, there has been significant change in the data. Historical Records in DB: 181518NEW 2923UPDATED 8500UNCHANGED 69985TOTAL RECORDS PROCESSED FOR NOV 23: 81408