GunTRAC LLC, founded in Arizona, has been in development since early 2014. The flagship product provides several industries with specialized software and has been running mission-critical operations for firearm manufacturers for several years. The public safety variation entered production in 2016 with Chandler Police Department for range and firearm inventory management. Since then, we have expanded our customer base from California to New Jersey, essentially coast to coast, supporting dozens of agencies and thousands of personnel.
Our platform has survived the scrutiny of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) during lengthy audits and industry inspections, as well as other on-demand justice department audits and CALEA reviews.
We have many more references, please let us know if you would like additional contacts.
Lt. Christopher Jefferys
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
Range Commander, FTU
US Courts Probation
Western District North Carolina
Sergeant Jason Barnes
Chandler Police Department
Firearms Training Unit/S.W.A.T.
Monday-Thursday 0700-1700
Lt. Nate Lacey
Special Operations
Farmington Police Department
Ptl. Brian Shipps # 9
High Bridge Police Department
99 West Main St.
High Bridge, NJ 08829
(908) 638-6500
Curtis Mott
Goodyear Police Department
City of Goodyear, Arizona
14455 West Van Buren St STE 101
Goodyear, AZ 85338
Deputy Jeff Hall
Range Instructor
Firearms Training Unit
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
Jeff Hall (MCSO) <>