January 2016 FFL Licensee Database Updated

January 2016 FFL Licensee Database Updated

The FFL Mapping Business Development system has been updated to include the complete listing from BATFE FOIA released licensee information.

We detected 628 priority contact records across the nation. These priority records are defined as either recently renewed or updated contact or location details as well as new licensees.

There was a minor increase in licensed FFL’s in January 2016 compared to December of 2015. November’s database was 78,867 records, slightly lower than January’s database of 78,880.

For some bizarre reason, not a single new/renewed FFL license was issued for the following state:

  • Vermont

Anyone want to take a stab at a reason? We will keep an eye out next month for a potentially high number, or a bizzaro low one.

We are looking forward to a timely released February listing, with the hope there will be an upward trend of licensed holders.